“Stop thinking. Start doing”

“Stop thinking. Start doing” Nothing is going to happen until you start. Sometimes we overthink things to the point where it prevents us from ever starting. Stop thinking. Start doing. Just skate.

Regionals Ready

“Sometimes you just need to relax and know that everything is going to be okay” Regionals is right around the corner and with that comes preparation.  More often than not, I see skaters around the rink training their programs like crazy a day or two before traveling to the big competition. Every time I see […]

Ill-Fitting Skates Causes Money and Pain

The first word that comes to mind for a figure skater when they think skating is “life.” The first word that comes to mind for the parents when they think skating is “money.” Figure skating is a very, very expensive sport. Some families flush even more money down the drain by not investing in quality […]

Shouting Whispers of Skate Moms

There is no such thing as a quiet whisper at the rink.  Anything that is said at the rink might as well be shouted from the roof tops.  No matter how quiet or private a conversation is, 99% of the time it will be leaked out.  Gossip spreads like wild fire.  Reading this you may […]

#13 Stress of the Test

Why is it that whenever it comes to a test or a competition, the week of the, the day before, or even during warm up everything seems to fall apart? Training for months, and everything is solid until the test approaches.  All of the sudden there is an added stress, a time restraint to be […]

#12 Great Skaters are Made by Their Passion

“Great skaters are not made up of their technique, but be their passion” Once again, I have been listening to more podcasts, and this week I listened to an episode of the Solopreneurhour where they  said, “You cant teach hustle.” Oh how true! Growing up skating I didn’t exactly have one of the best coaches […]