“Stop thinking. Start doing”

“Stop thinking. Start doing” Nothing is going to happen until you start. Sometimes we overthink things to the point where it prevents us from ever starting. Stop thinking. Start doing. Just skate.

“When I’m on the ice I’m home”

“When I’m on the ice I’m home” The ice is a second home. It’s a place of comfort where nothing else matters. You can escape life, the stresses of work, school, drama, etc. It’s a place where you can be yourself and not have to worry or think about anything else.

Define Love…

Love is defined in the dictionary as: an intense feeling of deep affection.  It is put so simply, but yet “deep affection” doesn’t due it justice. Love is indescribable just like the feeling a skater gets when they are on the ice.  A feeling of deep affection is only the tip of the iceberg for any […]

Ill-Fitting Skates Causes Money and Pain

The first word that comes to mind for a figure skater when they think skating is “life.” The first word that comes to mind for the parents when they think skating is “money.” Figure skating is a very, very expensive sport. Some families flush even more money down the drain by not investing in quality […]

Treat Failure Like a Scientist

RETRY Figure Skating Blog Header Test Paper

Figure skaters ARE athletes.  Strong, determined, hardworking and committed are just a beginning to describe athletes.  But when we list off words to describe athletes and figure skaters, scientists are not one of the words that pops up.  This is; however, what we need to be.  Being wrong sets you on the right track to being right, […]

#10: 3 Ways to Win

Most skaters who compete and train are doing so because they want to win.  Whether its to win the Olympics, win a spot on a synchro team, or win their dream job, we all want to win.  What separates the skaters who achieve their goals? Here are 3 ways you can be three steps closer […]

#2 Gratitude is as Beautiful as Ice

Skating, just like most jobs and sports, can get somewhat monotonous from time to time.  It’s not that it is boring or that we don’t want to skate, it is just that sometimes we tend to forget to appreciate the beauty and the freedom of skating.  We tend to overlook the magnificence of it especially […]

#1 Overcoming the Fear

Figure skating is my life, my passion, and my job.  No matter how many hours I spend at the rink, I am still bursting with zealousness.  Every time I step on the ice, I am continued to be inspired by what this amazing sport can do.  I went from being a young skater with a […]