“When I’m on the ice I’m home”

“When I’m on the ice I’m home” The ice is a second home. It’s a place of comfort where nothing else matters. You can escape life, the stresses of work, school, drama, etc. It’s a place where you can be yourself and not have to worry or think about anything else.

Ill-Fitting Skates Causes Money and Pain

The first word that comes to mind for a figure skater when they think skating is “life.” The first word that comes to mind for the parents when they think skating is “money.” Figure skating is a very, very expensive sport. Some families flush even more money down the drain by not investing in quality […]

#10: 3 Ways to Win

Most skaters who compete and train are doing so because they want to win.  Whether its to win the Olympics, win a spot on a synchro team, or win their dream job, we all want to win.  What separates the skaters who achieve their goals? Here are 3 ways you can be three steps closer […]